AT MetrologyPackage: In 10 Minutes to Your 3D Application!
June 13, 2023

Install the sensor, scan the object, visualize and evaluate the measurement data: and all of these steps within just 10 minutes. As part of the new AT SolutionPackage, the MetrologyPackage focuses specifically on metrology applications and significantly simplifies the integration, configuration and commissioning of sensors. Therefore, the AT customer can start immediately using his new 3D sensor. And the absolute novelty: The first 3D image can be created after just a few minutes.
Particularly exciting: The package supports fully automatic alignment according to the reference point system (RPS). This makes it possible, among other things, to align the individual images of several partial scans, or even several sensors with different perspectives, with each other using reference data and to combine them into “real” 3D images of the entire object. Until now, this was only possible with time-consuming manual measurements outside the production line.
Simplification is also the keyword when it comes to developing individual application solutions. With the Metrology Software Development Kit (SDK), AT offers its customers comprehensive support for this purpose: With typical demo programs for common applications which are included in the MetrologyPackage, 3D processing prototypes can be evaluated in real time. Furthermore, AT provides the source codes so that programmers can start easily adapting the evaluation scripts. For the development of customer-specific applications, a developer license is then required, which can be purchased for a fee.
In summary, the MetrologyPackage offers the following major advantages:
- Simplified sensor calibration and fast commissioning
- Inline support of the Reference Point System (RPS) and numerous other algorithms
- Various sample applications as a basis for own developments